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Twitter Q&A with Doug Ward Co-Founder & CEO of Tech Hub Manchester

TechHubs’ Doug Ward is ready and waiting to answer all of your flexible working, co-working, technology and start-up questions; from setting up your own flexible working space, to overcoming the challenges associated with taking an idea from inception, kickstarting and launching your business. Follow along here…

Convince your boss of Anywhere Working with these infographics

On the road to becoming an Anywhere Worker, one of the hurdles often faced is the need to convince your boss or HR department that working more flexibly will not reap havoc on the business. It can sometimes be a difficult mind-set to overcome, particularly when some employers continue to hold relatively old-fashioned views about…

July: #AWKickstart

We’re dedicating the month of July to kickstarting flexible working across the UK. Find out how you can get involved.