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Kickstart month

Twitter Q&A with Doug Ward Co-Founder & CEO of Tech Hub Manchester

TechHubs’ Doug Ward is ready and waiting to answer all of your flexible working, co-working, technology and start-up questions; from setting up your own flexible working space, to overcoming the challenges associated with taking an idea from inception, kickstarting and launching your business. Follow along here…

Kickstart Manchester – See what happened

VIDEO: Kickstart month is nearly at an end, but what a month it has been! The highlight so far has to be our trip to Manchester for our mid-month #AWKickstart event at Tech Hub Manchester and Manchester Digital BBQ in the evening.

How one mother uses Windows Phone to work anywhere

This article is for members only. Please login or sign up to become a member today for free: Connect with Login with an Anywhere Working account Username Password Remember Me Lost Password Register a new account Register For This Site Username E-mail Password Confirm Password Please enter your username or email address. You will receive…

Live blog: #AWKickstart Manchester

Good Morning Manchester! The Anywhere Working team have arrived at Tech Hub for a day or co-working, talks and breakfasts