The Anywhere Working social media policy reflects how content from the Anywhere Working community is managed.
Social media channels owned by Anywhere Working that fall under this policy include; Anywhere Working on Twitter, Anywhere Working on Facebook, Anywhere Working on YouTube, Anywhere Working on LinkedIn, the official Anywhere Working website and the Anywhere Working Posterous site.
If you feel your contribution has been moderated in an unfair way, please read our policy below. If you still have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected].
Why we engage
Anywhere Working social media channels are a less formal way to connect with the brand. Through our various channels we aim to connect with both community members and those interested in Anywhere Working for the following reasons:
Our communication aims
Anywhere Working aims to be:
Mentions of other brands, products or users
It is common for Anywhere Working to discuss other brands, products or users in a positive light. We aim to be transparent as to why they are mentioned, for example promotion of their product. When we mention a brand, product or user it is recognition of their work or opinion, however it is not an official endorsement or confirmation of their claims.
Moderation process
Content submitted to Anywhere Working social media channels will go through moderation where possible. Content may be moderated before being made public, or after – depending on the platform. We aim to moderate in a fair way, following these simple rules:
If the submitted content is fair, in other words balanced and meaningful, then it should be approved. Approval of the content is in no way endorsement or confirmation. Anywhere Working also requests users do not upload copyrighted materials unless you are the copyright holder or have their formal consent.
Negative content will be accepted, however if content is abusive – such as use of profanities, an aggressive tone, inappropriate images or video – the content will not be approved.
When content is approved or unapproved, Anywhere Working is not obliged to inform the user. This policy applies to both pre-moderation and post-moderation.