Blogging from Anywhere

Productivity Hack Friday: Ride to work on a bike, not in a car

Bicycles are magical. They create memories of childhood, exploring the local area and experiencing freedom for the first time. But they shouldn’t just be for children, we adults can ride them too! You may wonder why a full grown adult would ride a bicycle when we now have these wonderful machines called cars. After all, cars are…

Celebrating Be the Start with #mobilemeetingroom!

This month is Be the Start, and this week the theme is sustainable travel - something we talk about a lot of Anywhere Working. So today we’re pedaling around London in the #mobilemeetingroom - a pedibus powered by the business folk holding meetings on it throughout the day. We’ll be updating the blog here to…

Guest Blog: How Peabody is helping to create vibrant communities

We asked Steve Howlett from one of London’s oldest and largest housing associations, Peabody, how they are supporting communities and how good quality housing can improve life chances and provide better opportunities for local communities.