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Live Twitter Q&A with Doug Ward Co-Founder and CEO of Tech Hub Manchester


During the month of July, we’ve been hard at work helping you to kickstart your flexible working ventures with our themed #AWkickstart month.

We’ve chatted to a range of people from freelancers to working parents to students and desk worshippers. By now, you should be well equipped and well on your way to kickstarting flexible working in your work, whatever that might be. Not quite there? Let us know.

Half way through the month, we visited TechHub Manchester to meet the flexible working community living and working in Manchester and to help those wanting to kickstart a new way of working – check out the live blog here.

Doug is a huge advocate of Manchester’s emerging technology start-up scene and has aspirations of Manchester one day becoming a top 5 European start-up hub. With rafts of experience, not only with TechHub but a range of tech community events (outlined below), Doug will be ready and waiting to answer all of your flexible working, co-working, technology and start-up questions; from setting up your own flexible working space, to overcoming the challenges associated with taking an idea from inception, kickstarting and launching your business.

DougDoug’s impressive portfolio includes:

Doug is also known for having a self-confessed “big failure” in the past called NightWorld that he and his business partner Shaun Gibson plan to re-launch this year - watch this space…

Join us on Tuesday 30th July between 3-4pm (BST) for our live Twitter Q&A to ask Doug your question.

Or you can tweet your question to us now with #AskDoug and we’ll be sure to pass it onto Doug on the day.

Click here to tweet your question now.