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It’s time for change

Over on The Huffington Post, Microsoft’s Scott Dodds notes that the disruption caused by last week’s snow may have lost the UK half a billion pounds, with up to one in three UK workers unable to make it to the office. On top of that, recent research indicates that here in the UK we travel…

Sustainable Workplaces

Solar panels, wind turbines, energy efficient light bulbs – all tried and tested protocols that businesses have been employing for years, and yes, of course, they do have an effect – a return on your investment if you like. However, on a personal level, does this really matter to you? What does matter to you…

Taking flexible working to the extreme with a mobile office

The Anywhere Working Mobile Office Video   It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for; we have released the video footage from our Anywhere Working mobile office! Check it out… In case you missed it, the Anywhere Working team went into the heart of London to show commuters there is an alternative to working in…

Try flexible working and support StepChange

The following is a guest post from the Minister for Transport, Norman Baker MP. This week, across the UK, activities and events are taking place to raise the profile of Anywhere Working. Businesses and individuals are thinking about how they can work smarter. They will be looking at the myriad options available to help them…