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Bike Month

Twitter Q&A with Dave Barter, Author of Obsessive Compulsive Cycling Disorder

Dave Barter has cycled plenty of routes in his time, from making the jump between mountain biking and road biking, completing the amateur stage of the Tour de France without the luxury of closed roads and penning a brand new route for the classic Land’s End – John O’Groats, Dave has seen his fair share…

Bye Bye Bike Month

Today marks the end of our Anywhere Working Bike month. Rather than mourning the occasion we’d like to celebrate! It’s great to see not only our cycling community grow but also the community across the whole of the UK. Here are some interesting stats that we came across that made our Bike Month feel very…

How efficient is your body?

We were sent these three physical activity recommendations one might like to (really ought to) do on a weekly basis. How do you compare against these physical activity guidelines? *Puts down chocolate bar* 2 hours 30 mins of moderate intensity activity + muscle strengthening activities on two or more days of the week 1 hour 15…

10 top UK cycle cafes

Some say the journey matters more than the destination but, in this case, we respectfully disagree. In no particular order, here are some of our fave cycle hangouts in the UK. All are perfect for remote working – very remote, in some cases* – or relaxed weekend jaunts. London No self-respecting list of top cycle…