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Health and Fitness

Guest Blog Post: Starting the day well

Grace Marshall knows a thing or two about juggling the responsibilities of parenthood whilst fostering ambitions to success in business. After taking Graham Allcott (founder of Think Productive) for a spin on our Mobile Meeting room last month, Anywhere Working caught up with Grace, a fellow productivity ninja at Think Productive, to absorb some of her much sought after expertise!

Guest Blog Post - The Home Worker’s Diet

Remember Ruth? The clean living city girl who, last month left London for Wales, unpacked up her tech and trainers and shared with us her very first steps into the world of remote working. After a full 4 weeks of flexible working under her belt, we caught up with Ruth again to find out what she’s up to and what hurdlers she’s clearing.


How to drink enough water

On average each of us is around 55% to 60% water. Our bodies run on the stuff – and it’s vital to our ability to concentrate. If you’re too busy to drink enough water each day – ideally around eight glasses – you could be making it harder to get through your to-do list. These…

How to keep fit when away from home and in a small hotel room

If you like to keep fit - and there’s plenty of evidence that shows exercise improves your mood at work and the quality of work you get done - then work trips can be a slight annoyance. The break in routine can impact on your regular workout. Maybe the chain of gym you usually use…


Healthy Snacks for flexible workers

On the move when hunger hits? With a little bit of planning, you can make sure your snacks are healthy, packed with energy and affordable. Nuts and seeds Our favourite snack for busy days, nuts and seeds are filling and full of nutrients: perfect to keep you going before or after lunch! Most supermarket chains…