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Convince your boss of Anywhere Working with these infographics

On the road to becoming an Anywhere Worker, one of the hurdles often faced is the need to convince your boss or HR department that working more flexibly will not reap havoc on the business. It can sometimes be a difficult mind-set to overcome, particularly when some employers continue to hold relatively old-fashioned views about…

10 unusual places to work from

Sometimes it’s good to get out of the office and work from a different location; it helps creativity and innovation flow. Sometimes a change of scene is all we need to be more productive than usual but where are the most unusual places you can work from?

Guest Blog Post - Small Businesses & Flexible Working

The Top Employer Awards 2013 are just around the corner and so Mandy Garner the Web Editor of Working Mums and organiser of the Top Employer Awards got in touch to remind us of one of last year’s fantastic winners.

Anywhere Working and Working Mums

How quickly a whole year passes. In August 2012, Mandy Garner from Working Mums was on the blog – announcing Anywhere Working’s support for their Top Employer Awards and this summer, we’re ready to do it again.

July: #AWKickstart

We’re dedicating the month of July to kickstarting flexible working across the UK. Find out how you can get involved.