
5 tips for dealing with a distracting colleague

We like to think we can turn our hand to anything here at Anywhere Working (we are flexible after all) so when we heard from a particularly troubled office worker who needed help, we put our expertise to the test… Dear Anywhere Working, I need your help. I know that it’s normal to get distracted from work at times. But I’m not talking about that kind of distraction. I’m talking … Continued

4 reasons why being fit and healthy saves you money

Getting fit and eating healthy food has great physical benefits, but there’s money to be saved too. Find out how to reduce pounds (and pennies) in our guide below. Healthy eating = healthy wallet Myth: Junk food is cheaper than healthy eating While junk food can often seem cheaper at first glance, this doesn’t take into account how filling it is, or the value of the nutrients it contains. For … Continued

Small steps towards fitness #AWFitness

Like you, we’ve read a countless number of blog posts on “The 10 best ways to stay fit, healthy and active at work.” But when you’re a hardcore Anywhere Worker (or at least looking to be one) leaving your 9-5 routine can make it difficult to manage free time. That’s why we’ve looked into the smallest yet most effective steps you can take to improve your fitness. 6 small steps … Continued

Do you really need to go to the gym to get fit? #AWfitness

By now you’ll have noticed we’re encouraging you to get fit. Fine, you might think… I’ll join the gym. But wait! There might be a simpler, more affordable option. We’ve taken a look at gym alternatives that can produce similar, if not better, results. Running At the gym: You’ll probably use a treadmill. This is good because your pace will be controlled, as will the incline. You’ll be able to … Continued

Intel Ultrabook Competition Winner’s Review

Remember Alex, our fantastic Intel competition winner? Well for the past 3 weeks Alex has been getting to grips with her new Asus Ultrabook and discovering all the perks of Anywhere Working. We caught up with Alex to find out how she’s been getting on… I must say, it is such a beautiful machine; when it first arrived I was almost afraid to touch it, it was so shiny and … Continued