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Catch-up with the Anywhere Working #MobileMeetingRoom for Be the Start


Last week we took our #MobileMeetingRoom through the streets of London, check out what we got up to and catch-up with the live blog!


We’ve been tweeting, blogging and talking about Be the Start all month and it is now our turn to get involved. On Friday, we’ll be taking our pedal powered #mobilemeetingroom around Central London, for business meetings, brainstorms and a debate on ‘The Future World of Business’.

Joining us will be; 3 Space - a charity which unlocks empty space on the high street for organisations that need temporary offices, and the Lync team – the Office 365 application connecting businesses through video conferencing.

The day kicks off with a morning debate, with a whole host of Anywhere Working experts, including:

Why not start chatting to them on Twitter to get the debate going? Just click their names to find their profile.

This is all for Be the Start, a month of finding out about all the different, simple ways you can live a more sustainable lifestyle and be the start of the better, more sustainable future. This week’s theme is sustainable travel, so we thought a bicycle powered meeting room would fit the bill quite nicely!

You will be able to follow us throughout the day, here on the blog, on Facebook, Flickr and on Twitter with the hashtag #mobilemeetingroom. So keep an eye out and why not start talking about ‘The Future World of Work’ on Twitter now?

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