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Posts by davidjmclare

Convince your boss of Anywhere Working with these infographics

On the road to becoming an Anywhere Worker, one of the hurdles often faced is the need to convince your boss or HR department that working more flexibly will not reap havoc on the business. It can sometimes be a difficult mind-set to overcome, particularly when some employers continue to hold relatively old-fashioned views about…

The Anywhere Worker’s toolkit just got bigger: portable printers and scanners

Working anywhere usually involves a smartphone, laptop and a workspace – be it your home office, a cosy spot in your local coffee shop or membership at a co-working space. It’s a minimal kit and some might argue that it’s missing a couple of crucial pieces of hardware such as scanners and printers, all of…

The power of going offline to get things done

Have you ever had something that just had to be done today? You know it is going to take a solid few hours to complete, but that’s not a problem, there are surely enough hours in the day. But then the day ends, you look at your work and find it to be half complete.…

Productivity Hack Friday: Let your subconscious think for you

Getting things done can mean powering through mundane tasks - email, reports, admin – or it can mean using all of your brain power and creative thought to come up with the latest campaign, strategy or product. But what if I told you that these creative ideas are best thought up while you are going…

Productivity Hack Friday: Ride to work on a bike, not in a car

Bicycles are magical. They create memories of childhood, exploring the local area and experiencing freedom for the first time. But they shouldn’t just be for children, we adults can ride them too! You may wonder why a full grown adult would ride a bicycle when we now have these wonderful machines called cars. After all, cars are…

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