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10 ways to be creative Creativity Month

One morning, over tea and toast, the Anywhere Working team had an impromptu brainstorm in to best ways to be (and stay) creative. Here are a few of my favourites. 1. Start something - This couldn’t be easier – that novel that’s building inside of you, the presentation due next month, the DYI job or your…

Friday Fun

This got our creative tentacles tingling, is this not the most creative contact page you’ve ever seen? Like ever? Designed to be similar to the style of the old arcade game WipEout, we love Dark Igloo’s style, try it out here.  

Procrastination Powerstation

The value of play At the beginning of the week, I made the fatal mistake of being too organised, yes, there is such a thing. Despite my religious belief that a good list can conquer the world, when you’re faced with a week of ‘urgent jobs’ and ‘must-do tasks’ you tend to lose your motivation,…

Save the date for Anywhere Working Ignite Creativity!

Hold on to your hats. We’re celebrating Anywhere Working Creativity Month with an Ignite event. If you haven’t heard of Ignite before, the format is based on a series of high-speed presentations by speakers who are leaders in their fields. 5 minutes per presentation. 20 slides. 15 seconds each. As the name suggests, Ignite is…