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Flexible Working Profile: The Tablet Artist

Anywhere Working has been full steam ahead for nearly a whole year (Happy Anniversary to us) and along the way we have met all sorts of flexible workers who have either already embraced the flexible working lifestyle we’ve come to know and love or have been inspired by what they’ve heard and taken steps in to a new way…

Interview with Bionic.ly editor, Stephen Davies, on digital health

If you came along to our Anywhere Working Ignite event at the end of October this year, you’ll have already seen Stephen Davies, the creator of Bionic.ly (a digital health blog) speak on quantified self and bio-hacking. We’re big fans ourselves of quantified self, and have blogged about it before (we’ve even run an experiment…

Yo: grow a mo, bro

Inject creativity in your office this month with moustaches You may have noticed around the office, in your local supermarket or on your commute that men are getting increasingly hairier each day. This actually happens every year and it isn’t an attempt to keep warm during the winter. Every year during November, the male species…

Creativity Month Run Down

All good things have to come to an end…right? Wrong! During October we ran a month long celebration of creativity in the workplace. During the month we experimented with new ways of working, we tried out new products and more importantly we got speaking to some incredibly inspiring creative people out there. Although Creativity month…

Ignite Creativity, in case you missed it

Last night we celebrated the end of Creativity Month with our Creativity Ignite event and what a celebration it was! With eight fantastic speakers and a room full of a wide variety of creative people, we thoroughly enjoyed the evening , as did those who attended. If you didn’t manage to make it, don’t worry;…