10 ways to be creative Creativity Month

One morning, over tea and toast, the Anywhere Working team had an impromptu brainstorm in to best ways to be (and stay) creative. Here are a few of my favourites.

1. Start something

This couldn’t be easier – that novel that’s building inside of you, the presentation due next month, the DYI job or your recommended course of daily vitamins, START SMOMETHING that can grow.

2. Always carry a sketchbook

For when inspiration strikes! You’ve heard the saying, “It’s when you’re not looking for it, that you find it”? Well that applies to creativity too, and also “from nothing comes everything” oh and one more “a picture if worth a thousand words” …. perhaps I’ll leave the words for someone else and stick with sketching.

3. Phone your Grandma

I have never felt more inspired then when spending an afternoon with my Grandma. The 30 minutes leading up to the actual event is terrifying and complete agony, but once you’re there with a cup of tea and the 50 year old biscuit tin that’s survived every move, relocation and cupboard reshuffle, the stories start flowing – stories you’ll never hear again.

4. Procrastinate Procrastinate Procrastinate

Did you catch our post last week?

5. Day Dream

For example…

…you see?

6. Leave your desk

Don’t be afraid to step away and let your mind wander. We all know sitting down for too long is never a good thing, take these opportunities to do something different and explore!

7. Brainstorm

Inspiration can come from anywhere so go beyond the status quo, look for your news from a different source and draw on others to be the spark you’re looking for. We’re currently working on defining the “perfect brainstorm”, does such a thing even exist? We’d love to hear what you think.

8. Run

Never underestimate the power of endorphins. Half an hour of good activity can boost your level of creativity for hours afterwards.

Whether it’s the change in scenery or just doing something different – the type of exercise doesn’t matter, it’s the rush of endorphins that will give you the boost you’re looking for.

9. Teach

A fantastic suggestion from the Anywhere Working team! Have you ever tried explaining the day to day duties of your job, and end up producing a different explanation every time? This forces you to look at your life differently, when you have to explain, defend or educate someone on something you care about.

10. Finish something

“To finish first, you must first finish” Rick Mears

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Published by Emily

Emily is a writer for Anywhere Working. With a passion for adventure (and pancakes) she frequently takes her work & green bicycle on flexible working ventures. If she’s not here you’ll likely find her on Pinterest looking for inspiration.

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