In the late 1990’s Intel made the decision to move to a predominantly mobile PC environment: now in 2012 over 80% of the 91,500 employees use mobile business PCs and many benefits have been realised.
In the 1990’s Intel’s IT organisation supported a large desktop environment which at the time was viewed as a cost effective solution. With the benefits of mobile working, a workforce that travels and wanted to work in a more flexible way, Intel IT decided to act.
Intel IT then conducted productivity studies to assess the value of migrating employees from desktop PC’s to mobile business PCs. The results showed that a wireless-connected mobile business PC provides better than 5% time savings in an average employees work week.
Based upon these results, Intel IT embarked on a broad transition to mobile computing that delivered a return on investment (ROI) of $26m (NPV). Approximately 80% of Intel employees now use a mobile business PC as their primary device. Employees became more connected, collaboration improved and work patterns have become more flexible.
Stuart Dommett, IT@Intel EMEA manager, elaborates “Mobile working at Intel is the norm, over the years IT has driven down the total cost of ownership by 67% since we first deployed them”.
So where is Intel now with their transition to mobile business PCs? Stuart brings us up to date “Intel IT has continued to focus on delivering more tools that assist with mobility, use of the latest advancements in collaboration tools, wireless in all offices, use of wireless technologies such as 3G and aggregated Wi-Fi hotspot services has enabled the employee to be even more connected and able to collaborate globally, only yesterday I was working in a coffee shop on a document with a colleague in Japan”.
To read more on how Intel is focusing on productivity benefits for mobile PC’s, download this IT@Intel whitepaper
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