Where do you prefer to work? Take our poll

You may have recently read this piece on BBC about co-working spaces luring entrepreneurs with free desks and WiFi. We’re interested to know whether co-working spaces attract the wider public and whether they’re the preferred working space?

We’re curious, do you prefer to work from the office and interact with your team, not missing out on any water-cooler moments?

Or do you like to snuggle up on the sofa with your laptop? Or perhaps you like meeting new people in co-working spaces and coffee shops?

Fill in our survey below:

We’ll be back soon to let you know which is the most popular way to work! Check out the current choices after you vote.

Published by Janey

Janey is a writer for Anywhere Working and enjoys speaking to the community, listening to flexible working stories from workers all around the world. She loves the weird, the wonderful and the extreme examples of working anywhere.

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