To be an anywhere worker, getting things done quickly, but to good quality is quite important. Sometimes the lack of office, or makeshift workspace, can mean jobs must be done under extra pressure. The result is worth it – more free time, more control over your life and great job satisfaction. But how do you become more productive? The answer: you read.
There are so many books out there that will inspire you to work in better ways, to make decisions more effectively and increase your success rate. We’ve listed some of the best books already in our post here, but there are so many we had to share some more.
So take a rest from ’50 Shades of Grey’ and focus on satisfying your Anywhere Working needs instead, with these powerful books:
Seth Godin – Poke The Box
If you never try something new, you’ll never see bigger rewards. Say you have a dream to start a business of your own, but it is frightening as the process is so complicated and your mind may be littered with doubts.
In the first of books from Seth Godin’s Domino Project, publishing venture launched by Seth and powered by Amazon, ‘Poke The Box’ will help you overcome this fear and learn to just do it. ‘Poke The Box’ is the professional’s Yes Man.
Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson – ReWork
‘ReWork’ is exactly what you would expect from the team behind 37signals. Their products are well known for streamlining work and processes, and the book does not disappoint.
With snappy titles that may go against common business practices – such as learning from mistakes is overrated, good enough is fine and say no by default – the book will challenge the way you approach work and talk to clients. As a result (we hope), you’ll save time, make more money and find better ways to work.
Mikael Krogerus & Roman Tschappeler – The Decision Book
Decisions are a massive part of the working day. What task should I complete first, should we take this or that approach in the pitch, should I take on the extra work or do I really have the time? All are important decisions that need to be answered in a snap.
‘The Decision Book’ contains the fifty best decision-making models to help you learn how to answer both simple and complex questions through adopting methods that work to you. With 50 to choose and pick and mix from, you’ll finish the book with a new, slick and powerful method of making quality decisions, fast. Tip: don’t opt for the eBook, you’ll want to make notes all over this one and there are plenty of graphs.
Malcolm Gladwell – Blink
We often believe that some people have a gift. Sometimes they just know when a business idea will work, they can anticipate the reaction and - often annoyingly to others without this gift of intuition - always get it right. But is it really a gift? Can intuition actually be learned?
In another Gladwell classic, ‘Blink’ shows us how people are not born with these talents, but specific situations, differences in experiences and sometimes pure luck can be the tipping point for having the ultimate skill of always being right.
What are your favourite Anywhere Working books? Don’t forget to check out our other post, featuring ‘Imagine: How creativity works’, ‘Outliers’, ‘The Lean Startup’ and of course, ‘Getting Things Done’.