Anywhere Working is experimenting

Back in March we told you we’d be running some experiments and needed your help. We’d like to say thank you to those that agreed to take part and can now introduce the amazing group of people conducting the Anywhere Working Experiments.

The Anywhere Working Experiment Phase 1 and Phase 2 were a fantastic success, today we’re kicking off the final phase.

But first… what are the experiments?

Everyone has a different take on flexible working. Some already do it, but wish they could do it better, while others think it’s one enormous internet / power failure disaster waiting to happen. A number of factors play in to a day of working remotely, and so we wanted to run a day-long trial with a group of people, all with different situations to see what happens. They’ll be reporting back online through their Twitter feeds and blogs and we’ll be compiling and sharing their updates as they go from @Anywhere_Work and here on the blog.

Is Anywhere Working good, bad or plain ugly? We hope not the latter, but these folks will find out for us:

Phase 3 of the Anywhere Working Experiment: 23rd July

Mary Branscombe @Marypcbuk

Mary is a freelance journalist who writes technology, home entertainment and science. With a multitude of mobile devices, the Anywhere Working experiments should be quite straight forward. You can read her blog here.

Check back to the Anywhere Working blog and follow #AWexperiment on Twitter for the latest updates.

Phase 2 of the Anywhere Working Experiment: 16th July - a full Storify on the day can be found here.

Ben Marsh@benmarsh

Ben is a developer who works for himself. He often finds himself caught in his house so is using the experiment to try working in his local area in a number of different venues. You can check out his website here.

Tamsin Fox-Davies @tamsinfd

Tamsin Fox-Davies is the Small Business Marketing Mentor at Constant Contact. She spends her time teaching digital marketing best practices to SMEs all over the UK, writing articles, and shopping for shoes.

Phase 1 of the Anywhere Working Experiment took place on 11th July - a full Storify on the day can be found here.

Max Tatton Brown @MaxTB

Max is a comms consultant specialising in online techniques and writes about tech for publications including Wired, .net and

Max works a 9-6 role in a PR agency, managing a group of people. He’s interested to see how managing his team from afar works out.

David Pringle @DavePrin

David is a former telecoms correspondent with the Wall Street Journal and is now a London-based freelance writer, editor and consultant working in the technology sector.

David also writes tech blog Telling Tech Tales and travel blog Layman’s London.

David already works remotely due to the nature of his work, but the weight of his bag, packed with kit, is a major bugbear. To combat this issue, David will attempt to work remotely using nothing but his iPad.

Trevor Davies @TrevaDavies

Trevor is CEO of HashableMedia, a content provider for corporate social media.

Trevor is getting involved in the experiment to see if he can be more productive by staying out of the office all day.

Follow Max, David and Trevor on Twitter, check back to the Anywhere Working blog and follow #AWexperiment for the latest updates.

2 Responses to “Anywhere Working is experimenting”

  1. Dave Thackeray

    I adore what you’re doing here, even if I’m too stupid to fully understand what it is. Anything to do with transitory working practices gets my endorsement.

    I’m sat here @SalfordJelly practising what you preach, meeting awesome people like Gemma and Mark and always learning new stuff I never would have discovered had I been cloistered in the home office.

    Keep up the awe!

    • anywhereworking

      Thanks Dave it’s great to hear such enthusiastic feedback and we’re thrilled to have you on board as an Anywhere Working advocate!

      From what you’re up to today we’d say you’ve summed up the idea of Anywhere Working perfectly! Our main aim is to support people who are already flexibly working and help those who are considering taking the leap but aren’t sure how. And as you say, meeting new people and sharing new ideas together and supporting each other is very rewarding and what it’s all about.

      It’s great to have you in our community Dave! Thank-you :)


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