Back in February, we ran a blogging competition to win three Ultimate Anywhere Working Kits, comprising of an ASUS Zenbook, a Nokia Lumia 800, an Arc Touch Mouse, a Vodafone 3G mobile dongle and 12 months gold membership to Regus. That’s quite a package for anyone wanting to embark on flexible working.
The three winners have now been announced, and we wanted to share with you their best Anywhere Working tips.
Michael Coupar, our first winner, had a rather geeky and amusing list of three tips including 3.14 (because Pi represents the area you work in, the symbol looks like a table and you need comfort), 1000001 (to show that time is limited), and the first two seconds of Beethoven’s Fifth (da da da daaaaah). Read his full blog of tips here.
Rachael Smith, our second winner went for a longer form list of tips such as ensuring a good (and importantly, happy) space, good technology (which I’m sure we’ve helped out with), and having a well-maintained To-Do list. All fantastic tips from someone who has taken the self-employed plunge this year, read her full blog here.
Our third and final winner from blogger Laura Hitchcock opens by admitting working from home is “very far from living the dream,” but her top ten list of essential Anywhere Working tips does a fantastic job in making it as stress-free as possible. Our favourites of her ten were ‘tell people you are working,’ ‘know when to stop,’ and ‘embrace social media.’ Read the full post just here.
We hope the three of them enjoy their Ultimate Anywhere Working Kits, and hope you enjoyed reading their tips. Remember, just because the competitions over, doesn’t mean you can’t share your flexible working tips anymore. If you have any more, leave them in the comments below.