Introducing Creativity Month

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on”

Albert Einstein

In short, Anywhere Working oozes productivity and inspiration, it’s what we’re about. We love sharing our ideas of how to make work more flexible, productive and most importantly, enjoyable - no matter how weird or wonderful, right or wrong those ideas might be. Recently we took to the streets of London in our mobile office to inspire Londoners to think outside the box when working flexibly. This got us thinking about more creative ways to work and we thought what better way to inspire our fellow Anywhere Workers than dedicating a whole month to creativity!

From brainstorms to ping pong tables and giant post-it notes, we will be sharing our creative ideas over the next four weeks and experimenting with new ideas and products.

Over the next month we’ll be helping you to turn your workforce into creative creatures! In the meantime…tell us what you think of our new logo for the month? Look out for more Anywhere Working logos and the creative designer behind them.


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Published by Emily

Emily is a writer for Anywhere Working. With a passion for adventure (and pancakes) she frequently takes her work & green bicycle on flexible working ventures. If she’s not here you’ll likely find her on Pinterest looking for inspiration.

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