Flexible working and culture change

Flexible working challenges well established norms, and it can take time before a shift in attitude begins to take effect across companies, large and small. Workers are used to being expected at a designated time, in a well worn seat. And so the increased freedom that flexible working provides can create a sense of loss of control for managers. The question that comes up so often is one of trust – “but how do I know they’re working?”

With your team working away from the office for one or two days of the week, the desire to slip on your ‘micromanaging hat’ might be too strong to ignore. But try, very hard. There are more reasons than you might think to keeping the faith in your staff.

1. You’ll inspire confidence

Confidence isn’t something that’s easy to hide, and that’s why when you have it in your staff, they’ll know about it. Trust, like a pay cheque, has to be earned and so providing opportunities for your professionals to act professionally will not only make them feel valued and appreciated, it will cement your working relationship.

2. You’ll get more done

Sounds like a quick fix, but it really could be. Watching the ticked off ‘to-do lists’ roll in to your inbox instead of peering over shoulders and keyboards will boost productivity by easily freeing up time to do your work. Simple, and effective.

3. You’ll breed new leaders

If we haven’t put you off the concept of micromanagement already, we’ll try harder. Even with the best team in all the land, using the best software, capable of producing the highest quality of work, no one’s going to improve if you just let them sit there, watching you do all the work. Admirable as it may be, there’s a reason you’re not a one man band.

4. Your staff will stick around

Does your team *want* to work with you? Let’s not take for granted the huge effect a kindly placed word of encouragement or a helping hand can have on someone’s attitude to work.

5. You will get promoted

See, win win.

CC Image from specksinsd

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