Mumsnet Bloggers - Day 2

Over the course of 5 days, we’ll be asking 5 Parent Bloggers, 5 different questions to find out exactly what flexible working means to them. If you missed Day 1 you can catch up here or read on to learn more about Muddling Along Mummy, Hannah…

Hannah Brewer has been blogging at Muddling Along Mummy since early 2009.

Her blog is a window into her life juggling a busy jobin the City, a husband, two children, a couple of chickens and everything else that is thrown at her.


Today we’re asking…

2. Has flexible working impacted on your stress levels and sense of wellbeing?


Hannah from Muddling Along Mummy says…

On the days when I am working I accept that I will leave early and probably get home late and there is a chance that I won’t see the girls awake for several days but I know that I will then get to spend proper time with them at the end of the week, not 5 minutes in the morning or before bed. It takes the pressure off to have to rush home for bedtime when I really should stay to attend a work function – I feel much less torn in different directions and that I have to compromise less. Work can be intense when I’m working but then I have a carved out day for family.

It also takes pressure off the weekend – I have a day when I can be a Mummy during the week and can catch up with other mums, do the nursery drop off and generally slot into the weekday life the girls have. And that being able to slot into the Mummy-world has helped me feel a whole lot less isolated – I can catch up with friends and it is easier to do so outside the weekend when they have family commitments too.

Liz from New Baby Guides says…

When it works well, it works brilliantly and I feel amazing - I’m having my cake and eating it. I get to see the boys at breakfast time and dinner and can go and watch them at gym club / when swimming. But when we have a lot of work on, it’s hard, because even though our office is now in the garden, I still feel that I can’t leave it behind. So I am working to make more of the former happen, rather than the latter! If I had my time again, I would have set stronger boundaries to start with as I think that’s easier to do at the start of the flexible working journey.

Josephine from Slummy Single Mummy says…

It’s had a mixed impact. I love being my own boss, and not having to deal with bureaucracy and office politics, but it can be difficult to maintain boundaries when work and home are the same place, and this can sometimes mean I’m more stressed during what should be ‘home time’.

Catherine from Yellow Days says…

Having young children while working full time can lead to conflicting demands that can make life really stressful. Being able to work flexibly has made everything so much more manageable and I feel so much happier as a result.

Alex from Reopening The Case says…

In one sense immeasurably in that it has enabled me to continue doing work that I really enjoy, gain valuable experience, and not feel I am missing out too much on time with my two small children. It is not without its stresses, there is always a lot to juggle but, on the whole, my work-life balance is better than it has ever been.

Stop by the Anywhere Working Blog tomorrow at 3pm to find out what Hannah, Liz, Josephine, Catherine and Alex have to say when we ask….

3. How supportive are UK businesses about flexible working? Have they progressed over the last few years?

Big thanks to Mumsnet for their help!


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