
EDF Energy

EDF Energy take travel planning to a personal level with travel options and benefits which support staff needs, delivers business productivity and efficiently manages site resources. The programmes are well managed, well delivered and very successful, demonstrating that they are firmly established in the culture of the business

Department for Communities and Local Government

The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) have a clear Flexible Working and Home Working policy which was nominated as best practice by “Opportunity Now”

Carphone Warehouse

The Carphone Warehouse employs over 4,000 people nationwide which makes travelling to and from work one of their top priorities in reducing costs and employee wellbeing.

BAA Heathrow

Heathrow Airport has set a target to reduce the number of staff travelling to work unnecessarily. The current target is to have no more than 65% of airport staff coming in a single-occupied car by the end of 2012.

BT Workstyle Project

BT has adapted the way it manages people and the way they work to stay competitive and responsive. The company has what it believes to be one of the largest flexible working projects in Europe – the BT Workstyle project.

Key Facilities Management

Key Facilities Management, a consulting management agency, wanted to deliver better customer service by improving the way they communicate internally as well as with clients. In response to this need, the company decided to unify its fixed-line, mobile, email, desktop and web communications.


When BSkyB set about to expand their company’s office in Osterley London, they were met with the challenges of sufficient car parking and transport accessibility. Therefore, BSkyB implemented a travel plan that would cut car use by 29% and open up a budget to improve employee cycling facilities.

Think Drinks

With just two staff in the office full-time and five on the road seeing customers, Think Drinks found that its old phone system was limiting its ambitions for growth and its desire to respond quickly and effectively as possible to their customers.

London Symphony Orchestra

The London Symphony Orchestra, one of Britain’s leading cultural institutions – has evolved over the last decade. As well as embracing 25 worldwide tours a year, it has also expanded from 50 people to around 75, with an increased focus on fundraising and tour support. As it has grown, the average age of the workforce has fallen.