Living outside of London, I take advantage of flexible working a fair amount. However, what I quickly found was that where I was working can dramatically affect my productivity. Apparently working from the couch, with the TV directly in front of me and a laptop on my lap wasn’t the best place for me to spend the day. Now I have a great little setup on an old bureau, perfect size, height and position for my laptop, my wireless keyboard and arc mouse. Even more importantly, it’s next to a window which I find helps me clear my head and allows a little creative freedom when I need it, simply by staring out.
However, workspaces are incredibly personal things. While this works perfectly for me, I know that other people might not find the same for them. This is one of the advantages of working away from your office every once in a while. It gives you the opportunity to work wherever is most conducive to you!
So, we want you to share with us your ‘Anywhere Workspace’. Whether it be the inventive setup you’ve got in your study at home, the serene individual study rooms at your local library, or the combination of the right tools, along with the perfect cup of coffee, at your local coffee shop. If you take a snap of your workspace and tweet it from now until the 17th February, including @Anywhere_Work and #workspace in the tweet, we’ll randomly select one person per day between Monday and Friday to win a Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse.
For those who haven’t had the privilege of playing with an Arc Touch, it’s a slim mouse that starts out flat, then clicks into place to perfectly fit your hand. It comes with one of the smallest wireless receivers that attaches to the mouse when not in use via magnets. The mouse will also work on just about any surface, including carpet, which makes it just about the perfect Anywhere Working mouse you could find.
What are you waiting for? Get snapping!
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