
What does Anywhere Working mean to your organisation?

From tablets to smartphones to PCs to laptops, consumer technology is turning traditional IT on its head. Microsoft helps employees and individuals to communicate more effectively with Microsoft Collaborative software such as Microsoft Office 2010 and Microsoft Lync 2010 and Hardware Solutions.

What are the benefits for employers/employees from Anywhere Working?

- Help employees communicate more effectively from anywhere with Unified Communications

- Get more from client devices like PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones

- Discover a better way to manage customer relationships while on the go

- Collaborate better when employees are on the move

Why is this important now?

For today’s businesses, these new working methods and tools have remarkable potential for improving collaboration and productivity. But, of course, they bring challenges too. It means companies must now balance user demands with their own security needs as never before. Work increasingly takes place in multiple locations using a wide variety of devices. PCs and laptops have been joined by an ever-growing number of smartphones and tablets. For their part, employees are more willing than ever to buy their own devices to use for both work and at home.

This blurring of work and life is both an opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity is that it can help drive innovation, making the business more agile and responsive to customer demands. The challenge is how you can help employees connect to the information and resources they need, from wherever they are in an open yet secure way. Increasingly IT is under pressure to let users use their own devices for work. IT can choose either to lock these devices out or embrace them with the appropriate policy and security wrapper.

What are the next steps?

Microsoft can help you:

- Manage your client devices more effectively

- Enable employees to work productively from anywhere

- Connect your people with the experts and information they need

What are the benefits of Office 365?

How can interested parties find out more?

You can try Office 365 for free for 30 days, either as a professional or small business, or a midsize business or enterprise. Find out more about the differences between the two here.